It is crucial to work with a legal team that has experience with professional Fort Worth nurse attorney and can help you defend your nursing license and career.
Unfortunately, there are some RN and LVN who fail to find the right nurse attorney to handle their cases. As a result, most of them would be adjudged liable for the complaints. This usually leads to the revocation of a professional nursing license.
This is what happened to a LVN in Fort Worth, Texas.
At the time of the incident, she was employed in a hospital and had been in that position for 9 months
On or about October 16, 2019, through October 27, 2019, while employed as a Staff Nurse, the LVN failed to document Duo nebulizer for a patient, and Albuterol nebulizer that she administered to another patient. Her conduct resulted in an incomplete medical record and unnecessarily exposed the patient to a risk of harm by depriving subsequent caregivers of vital information to provide further care.
On or about October 1, 2019, the LVN falsely documented in the medical record of a patient that she administered Haldol 0.25 mg via intramuscular (IM) route when she administered it via IV route. Additionally, the next day, she failed to prime the IV tubing with IV solution before attaching the tubing to the aforementioned patient’s IV access site. The error was caught and corrected by a nurse prior to the IV fluid infusing. Her conduct was deceptive, resulted in an inaccurate medical record, and was likely to injure the patient in that subsequent care givers would not have reliable information on which to base their care decisions. In addition, her conduct was likely to injure the patient from failure to follow safe medication administration processes.
On or about October 22, 2019, the LVN failed to transcribe into the electronic medication administration record (EMAR) of a patient, who is diabetic, an order for Novolin NPH 50 units every 12 hours. Subsequently, the aforementioned patient received no insulin for two (2) days. Her conduct resulted in an inaccurate medical record, and was likely to injure the patient from non-efficacious treatment of their diabetes.
On or about October 23, 2019, the LVN failed to document the time that she administered Demerol 50 mg to a patient. Her conduct resulted in an incomplete medical record and unnecessarily exposed the patient to a risk of harm by depriving subsequent caregivers of vital information to provide further care.
Because of this, the RN was summoned by the Texas Board of Nursing to give her a fair chance to defend her case. She was given the chance to defend herself at the Board.
She states that she was not aware of this until the Peer Review, and explains that she gave these medications and notified the oncoming nurse, but due to computer difficulties failed to get them charted as given. The LVN states that regarding the incident on October 11, 2019, she was not aware that she did not prime the IV fluid until the Peer Review, though admits that she gave the Haldol via the wrong route which she reported to the charge nurse.
The LVN further states that regarding the incident on October 12, 2016, she informed the Charge nurse that she was having difficulty putting orders into the EMAR. She indicates that the Charge nurse said she would check it, but they both failed to go back and check, and it wasn’t caught until two (2) days later. She states that regarding the incident on October 13, 2016, she was not made aware of any incident report until the Peer Review.
However, the Texas Board of Nursing found her guilty for the complaint against her and her license was suspended. She lost the case simply because she failed to find an effective and efficient Forth Worth nurse attorney.
Avoid committing the same mistake she did. Find the right Forth Worth nurse attorney to help you with your needs. Contact nurse attorney Yong J. An directly by calling or texting him at (832) 428-5679 for a discreet consultation