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Accusations are a must to be observed properly not only by the Board but by a Fort Worth attorney. Any type of accusations can be defended, as long as there is a skilled Fort Worth attorney ready to assist you during the hearing before the Board of Nursing. The Texas Board of Nursing has full jurisdiction regarding cases that may affect an RN or LVN’s license from suspension, disciplinary action or revocation.

One such incident happened to an LVN. During the time of the initial incident, the LVN was employed in a medical center in Texas and had been in that position for one year and two months already.

On or about October 14, 2016, the LVN failed to assess the vital signs of a patient prior to transferring  the patient from the Emergency Department to the Medical Unit. Instead, she documented vital signs reported to her in report from the off-going nurse in the patient’s medical record. Her conduct was likely to injure the patient from undetected  changes of condition and from subsequent care givers who would be relying on his documentation  to provide ongoing medical care for the patient.

In response to the accusations filed against her, the LVN states that she received report on the patient but was unable to assess the patient before transfer to the medical surgical floor. Therefore, she states she was instructed by the charge nurse to note that she was transferring patient based on the previous nurse and doctor’s assessment since she had not seen the patient. Unfortunately, the Texas BON suspended her LVN license due to lack of appropriate defense from a nurse attorney.

Another accusations against an LVN happened on or about February 20, 2007 through January 29. An LVN practiced  as a LVN  in  the  State  of  Texas  without   a  valid  Texas  license.  Specifically, she worked without a valid Texas license. Her  conduct deceived patients, their families, fellow care givers, and the public in that they believed the LVN’s nursing practice was in compliance with all Board Rules and Regulations.

On or about August 3, 2016, the LVN falsely documented nursing notes for a patient. Specifically, the LVN documented that she provided nursing  care to the patient; however, she left the patient’s home two hours into her shift.

The LVN’s conduct created inaccurate medical records and was likely to defraud and deceive the facility of money paid to the LVN for hours not actually  worked. In addition,  her conduct was likely to injure the patient in that subsequent  care givers would rely on her documentation  for further care.

In response to all the accusations against her, the LVN states that at the time of her hiring, she was informed by personnel at the hospital that California was a compact state and no further action was needed in regards to her licensure as a LVN. She states that during her employment with the hospital, she provided all required documentation requested by the hospital  for employment  and at no time was she ever informed there was any discrepancy  with  her  licensure as an LV.

The LVN further states that upon being notified that she would no longer be caring for the patient, the patient’s mother began to scream and shout at her to immediately leave the premises.  She states she feared for her safety at the time and was forced to leave  the  premises  with very  short  notice.  She   believes  the  documentation  of assessments was data she was transcribing from an old flow sheet to a new flow sheet.

As to the documentation regarding medications and treatments, the LVN states that under the pressure   of  being   rushed   out  of the  home,   she  erroneously   signed  the  medication administration record under the wrong date. She  states she made some critical errors in regards to her documentation and should have carefully reviewed the nursing note that was hastily given to her by the patient’s mother prior to be being forced to leave. The LVN accepts full responsibility for her actions and the care she provided to the patient.

The Texas Board of Nursing then subjected the RN and her license into disciplinary action. The accusation would have been defended by an experienced and skilled Fort Worth attorney, had the RN hired one. Hiring a Fort Worth attorney  is applicable for any kind of accusation laid against an RN or LVN.

For more details and to schedule a confidential consultation, you must approach one of the most experienced nurse attorneys in Texas, Yong J. An. He has assisted numerous nursing license cases since 2006. You may contact him by calling (832)-428-567 if you wish to learn more information should you undergo accusations or any other case that may affect your license.