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A nurse-patient relationship has a boundary that needs to follow for the sake of both sides. Sometimes a nurse or the patient can’t avoid being indulging in the good relationship they have. But nurses should always remember that boundaries are set for a purpose. If an LVN is caught violating the boundary; the Board could put her/him in disciplinary action. Such a case can be handled by a nurse attorney. A right nurse attorney could be the solution to your problem.

At the time of the incident, the LVN was employed as a Licensed Vocational Nurse at a hospital in Beaumont, Texas, and had been in that position for one (1) month.

The incident happened on or about April 24, 2019, through June 30, 2019, when the LVN was assigned to provide care to a patient. The LVN violated the professional boundaries of the nurse/client relationship in that she provided care to the patient, who was her son. The LVN’s conduct was likely to injure the patient in that it could have resulted in confusion between the needs of the nurse and those of the patient. In addition, the LVN’s conduct may have caused delayed distress for the patient, which may not be recognized or felt by the patient until harmful consequences occur.

In response to the following incident, the LVN states that she did not maliciously violate the professional boundaries of the nurse/client relationship. The LVN states during the alleged dates, Pediatric Services was already aware that she adopted the patient. The LVN also states prior to June 1, 2019, the patient was covered by Medicaid which did not have a policy that prevented herself from being the patient’s nurse. The LVN states beginning June 1, 2019, the patient’s insurance provider was changed from the previous to a new one. The LVN states the patient was approved for some home healthcare hours during the day, the facility was unable to provide adequate staffing. The LVN states she did her very best to advocate for the patient’s well-being. She also states her actions were not intended to cause harm, rather they were directed to provide the best possible outcome and quality of life for the patient.

Because of this, the LVN was summoned by the Texas Board of Nursing. However, she failed to hire an experienced nurse attorney to help her defend her side of the story. The LVN failed to properly present and defend her case against the court. She was disciplined warning to suspension of her LVN license by violating Texas Board of Nursing regulation. Avoid a similar thing from happening on your end. Make sure to find the right nurse attorney in case a complaint will be filed against you before the Texas Board of Nursing (BON). Consult with Texas nurse attorney Yong J. An today if you have any questions about your disciplinary process by calling or texting him at (832) 428-5679 day, night or weekends.