The Texas Board of Nursing (BON) is the government agency that has jurisdiction to hear and decide administrative cases involving RN and LVN in Texas. It is also the agency that is responsible for overseeing the practice of professional nursing all over the state of Texas. Any RN or LVN who is guilty of violating state laws and issuances from the Texas Board of Nursing (BON) may be subjected to penalties or fines if not properly defended by a nurse attorney. As a matter of fact, the RN license and LVN license can even be suspended or revoked.
At the time of the initial incident, an RN was employed as a Registered Nurse at a medical facility in Corpus Christi, Texas, and had been in that position for four (4) years.
On or about June 12, 201 8, and July 5, 2018, while employed as a Registered Nurse, the RN inappropriately documented and mistakenly submitted Home Encounter Visit forms for the patient, along with a completed mileage reimbursement form, even though both visits had been canceled. Additionally, the RN did not notify her supervisor that the second visit had been canceled. The RN’s conduct could have resulted in an inaccurate medical record and payment of wages for services not actually performed.
In response to the incident, the RN admits she mistakenly completed documentation and mileage for the visit but states she canceled the visits and notified her supervisors when she realized the mistake.
Do not fret if you find yourself in a similar situation same as that of the RN mentioned above. All you need to do is to find the right nurse attorney who can help you in the case. Equip yourself with the knowledge and expertise you need for a successful outcome by consulting a knowledgeable and experienced Texas nurse attorney. Contact the Law Office of Nurse Attorney Yong J. An and text or call attorney Yong 24/7 at (832) 428-4579