The Texas Board of Nursing (BON) has the jurisdiction to hear and decide cases involving the practice of professional nursing in Texas. Any RN or LVN found guilty of violating the state laws and regulations may be subjected to a disciplinary case if not properly defended by a nurse attorney.
At the time of the initial incident, an RN was employed as a Registered Nurse at a hospital facility in Fort Worth and had been in that position for approximately one (1) year.
On or about December 2020, while employed, the RN misappropriated one (1) bottle of Alprazolam containing forty-three (43) pills. one (1) bottle of Acetaminophen with Codeine containing sixty (60) pills, and a bubble pack of Flexeril, belonging to the facility or patients thereof, or failed to take precautions to prevent such misappropriation. The RN’s conduct was likely to defraud the facility’ and patients of the cost of the medications.
On or about December 10, 2020, the RN engaged in the intemperate use of Morphine in that she produced a specimen for a urine drug screen that resulted positive for Morphine. Possession of Morphine without a valid prescription is prohibited by Chapter 481 of the Texas Health & Safety Code (Controlled Substances Act). The use of Morphine by a Registered Nurse, while subject to call or duty, could impair the nurse’s ability to make rational. accurate, and appropriate assessments, judgments, and decisions regarding patient care thereby placing the patient in potential danger
In response to the incidents, the RN states the allegations are false and she does not feel she has violated the Nurse Practice Act. The RN states on December 10, 2020, she arrived at work and was notified by her supervisor that a bottle of Hydrocodone and a bottle of Xanax were missing from the medication cart. According to the RN, she never saw either, much less, any “bottles” of medication in the medication narcotic box since at that time all of the narcotics on the medication cart she used are in blister packs, not bottles. The RN also adds that her employer set up this incident based on her being on probation with Board. The RN also believes this is due to her supervisor failing to follow up on a legitimate complaint of patient abuse, continually being asked to work “off the clock” and she had multiple verbal altercations with her supervisor prior to her termination.
Because of this, the RN was summoned by the Texas Board of Nursing. However, she failed to hire an experienced nurse attorney to help her defend her side of the story.
The RN failed to properly present and defend her case against the court. She was disciplined warning to suspension of her license by violating Texas Board of Nursing regulation.
Avoid a similar thing from happening on your end. Make sure to find the right nurse attorney in case a complaint will be filed against you before the Texas Board of Nursing (BON). Consult with Texas nurse attorney Yong J. An, today if you have any questions about your disciplinary process by calling or texting him at (832) 428-5679 day, night or on weekends.