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Any type of accusations or criminal case can be defended, as long as there is a skilled nurse attorney in Fort Worth ready to assist you during the hearing before the Board of Nursing. The Texas Board of Nursing has full jurisdiction regarding criminal cases that may affect an RN or LVN’s license from suspension, disciplinary action or revocation.

On or about January 16, 2019, while employed as a Registered Nurse in a hospital in Quinlan, the RN inappropriately removed the patient from the heart monitor and escorted him to the restroom and left him unaccompanied. The patient was diagnosed with a Non-ST elevated myocardial infarction (NSTEMI), and was awaiting transportation to the Intensive Care Unit. Subsequently, the patient was found ten (10) minutes later, down on the restroom floor and pulseless, and was unable to be resuscitated. Her conduct was likely to injure the patient from adverse complications of undetected and untreated changes in heart rhythm, including possible demise.

In response to the incident, the RN states that she did remove the patient from the heart monitor and escorted the patient to the restroom. She states that the patient was found in the restroom in cardiac arrest and did not survive. The RN states that there were several system issues that played into the situation. She notes that this incident occurred right around the time of shift change, and she had barely gotten a report when this patient requested to go to the restroom. The RN states that she had only received minimal information that the patient was going to be transferred for admission, but not any specifics beyond his diagnosis. The RN states that she was new to the facility and had not received adequate training on facility policies before being thrust into the role of charge nurse.

Because of this incident, the Texas Board of Nursing then subjected the RN’s license into disciplinary action.

The accusation would have been defended by an experienced and skilled nurse attorney, had the LVN hired one. Hiring a criminal nurse attorney for defense is applicable for any kind of accusation laid against an RN or LVN.

For more details and to schedule a confidential consultation, you must approach one of the most experienced nurse attorney in Fort Worth Yong J. An. He has assisted numerous nursing license cases since 2006. You may contact him by dialing (832)-428-567 if you wish to learn more information should you undergo accusations or any other case that may affect your license.