In every proceeding before the Texas Board of Nursing (BON), the first thing that you need to remember is to get the assistance of a nurse attorney. At this point, it is important to note that exercising your right to legal counsel will be beneficial on your part. Keep in mind that even if a nurse attorney does not represent you, the proceeding or hearing of your case will continue. When this happens, there is a high probability that you will eventually lose in the case.
An LVN that was employed as a Licensed Vocational Nurse at a hospital in Garland, Texas, and had been in that position for one (1) month had committed conduct that she
It was on or about March 4, 2019, through March 9, 2019, the LVN failed to appropriately intervene when the aforementioned patient had a change in condition, including failure to communicate directly with the provider or Nurse Practitioner about the change in condition. Specifically, the patient was pocketing medication/food having swallowing difficulties, and had a marked increase in pain that required round-the-clock pain interventions/medication. Subsequently, the patient expired at the facility. The VLN’s conduct was likely to injure the patient from lack of appropriate nursing and medical care, including possible demise.
In response to the incident, the LVN states that the patient had displayed issues with pocketing her food and medications. The LVN states that the home health nurse was informed by her and the medication techs patient’s issue with swallowing. The LVN states that she met with the patient’s son and daughter in the patient’s room, and she began to display signs and symptoms of pain. The LVN states that she instructed the medication techs to give the patient pain medication around the clock, and the family approved. She also states that she also informed the family that the nurse practitioner would do rounds the following day and the patient would be seen. And also states that the Nurse Practitioner stopped by her office the following day and that she informed her to see the patient, due to swallowing and increased pain. The LVN reports that at the end of the day, she noticed there were no orders for the patient. The LVN states that per the medication tech, the nurse practitioner stated that the patient would be evaluated by speech therapy. The LVN states that on Friday, March 8, 2019, IF was up in her chair sitting at the table eating with family present. The LVN reports that the patient spent most of the day up visiting and talking with family and staff with no complaints of pain or signs of pocketing food. The LVN states that on Saturday, March 9, 2019, she was called by a medication tech that the resident was noted to have labored breathing and was unresponsive. The LVN states that she instructed the medication tech to call 911 and the son, but regrettably, the patient passed away in her bed.
Because of the conduct committed by the LVN and as a result, the Texas Board of Nursing decided to discipline the LVN and her license.
Holding an LVN license in Texas comes with certain obligations and responsibilities. If you want to continue practicing in the nursing profession, one of the important things that you need to do is to comply with the rules and regulations set by the Texas Board of Nursing (BON). Every LVN in this state is subject to the jurisdiction of the Board of Nursing. Whenever there are administrative complaints against an LVN or RN, the Board will have the authority to hear and decide the merits of the cases.
If you are looking for a Texas nurse attorney that has a proven track record in this practice area, contact the Law Firm of Nurse Attorney Yong J. An, 24/7 by calling or texting him at (832) 428-5679 for a confidential consultation. Mr. An has over 12 years of experience handling Texas BON disciplinary action cases and has helped several dozens of LVNs in Texas protect their license.