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Being an RN is a privilege to have. But becoming an RN or an LVN was never easy. So, if an RN is having trouble at work and has violated protocol that they did not wish to commit, a nurse attorney is always there to help. A nurse attorney can be your form of defense against accusations and complaints.

Such an incident involving an RN happened on or about April 8, 2020, while employed at a hospital in Longview, Texas, the RN had failed to intervene when a patient was having a medical emergency. Specifically, after arriving to conduct a home health visit, the RN observed that the pregnant patient was having hallucinations, was pale, weak, and unable to sit properly on the toilet.

Additionally, the RN failed to assess the patient and report the change of condition to his supervisor and/or the patient’s physician, and left the patient’s home. Subsequently, the patient’s friend called Emergency Medical Services (EMS), who found the patient hypotensive, with an elevated heart rate, and the patient was transported to the hospital and admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). The patient and her fetus expired at the hospital. The RN’s conduct was likely to injure the patient from lack of appropriate nursing and medical care.

And on the same day, the RN failed to adequately document the health status and medical emergency of the patient after conducting a home health visit. The RN observed that the pregnant patient was having hallucinations, was pale, weak, and unable to sit properly on the toilet. The RN’s conduct resulted in an inaccurate medical record and was likely to injure the patients in that subsequent caregivers would not have reliable information on which to base their care decisions.

In response to the mentioned incident, the RN stated that he called the patient several times to confirm she was available for her treatment. The RN states that although the patient did not answer her phone, she still traveled to the patient’s apartment and repeatedly knocked on the patient’s door. The RN states that approximately fifteen (15) minutes later the patient’s friend answered the door and informed her that she was taking the patient to the hospital because the patient was hallucinating. The RN stated that he insisted on seeing the patient. The RN also stated that he went into the patient’s home, went to his knees, and visited with the patient while she was on the toilet.

And more of the mentioned incident, the RN stated that he noticed the patient looked pale and weak. She also added that because the friend stated that she was taking the patient to the hospital, the RN did not take the patient’s vital signs. The RN states that the patient then asked the RN about her total parenteral nutrition (TPN) bag. Then, she states that he then changed the bag and asked the friend twice whether she needed help transporting the patient and the friend responded “No”. The RN states that he then went to his car and called his supervisor to report what happened. And that several minutes later, as the RN was leaving, he noticed an ambulance heading towards the patient’s apartment.

As a result, the sanction for the RN is subject to ratification by the Texas Board of Nursing. Where in the RN is hereby suspended and under probation. Due to not having a nurse lawyer around to help with the case, this resulted in this decision of the Board.

So, if ever you have questions about the Texas Board of Nursing disciplinary process? Contact The Law Office of RN License Attorney Yong J. An for a confidential consultation by calling or texting 24/7 at (832) 428-5679 and ask for attorney Yong.