Complaints regarding the failure of documenting accurate and complete medical records are one of the cases that a nurse attorney can resolve. These professionals can guarantee their clients that any complaints about them can be denied by the Texas Board of Nursing once you hire them for assistance.
At the time of the initial incident, an RN was employed as a Registered Nurse at a hospital in Harker Heights, Texas, and had been in that position for two (2) years and two (2) months.
On or about November 22, 2018, through November 23, 2018, while employed as a Staff Nurse in the Immediate Care Unit of the hospital in Laredo, Texas, the RN inaccurately documented that he administered three (3) oral doses of Lactulose 20g/30ml in 60ml to the patient when the patient was unable to swallow medication orally due to his altered mental status. The RN’s conduct created an inaccurate medical record and was likely to injure the patient as subsequent caregivers would rely on his documentation to provide further care.
On or about November 22, 2018, through November 23, 2018, the RN failed to notify and/or document the notification of the physician when the Patient was unable to take Laclulose orally due to his altered mental status. The RN’s conduct deprived the physician of the opportunity to institute timely medical interventions to stabilize the patient.
On or about November 22, 2018, through November 23, 2018, the RN attempted to insert a nasogastric (NG) tube in the patient without a physician’s order. In addition. the RN failed to notify the physician of the failed attempt to insert the NG tube. The RN’s conduct exposed the patient to risk for harm from aspiration and/or tissue trauma and deprived the physician of the opportunity to institute timely medical interventions to stabilize the patient.
In response, the RN stated he scanned the Lactulose and attempted to administer it. but the patient would not arouse. The RN states it was a documentation error because the record was not updated to indicate the medication was not actually given. In addition, the RN states at approximately 0500 on 11/23/18, he made an unsuccessful attempt to insert a nasogastric tube without obtaining an order.
As a result of what happened, the RN is facing disciplinary action due to her misconduct. However, she failed to hire an experienced nurse attorney for proper assistance, causing her to undergo such procedures.
Losing your LVN or RN license can compromise your career. However, a skilled nurse attorney can greatly help you in major cases such as this. For assistance regarding your nurse license case, it’s best to contact Nurse Attorney Yong J. An by contacting him at (832) 428-5679.