False accusations are one of the cases that a nurse attorney can resolve. These professionals can guarantee their clients that any false accusations against them can be denied by the Texas Board of Nursing once you hire them for assistance.
At the time of the initial incident, an RN was employed as a Registered Nurse with University Health System, Texarkana, Texas, and had been in that position for four (4) years and eight (8) months.
On or about January 10, 2019, the RN lacked the fitness to practice professional nursing in that she was. observed sleeping in the hallway workstation area while her patient’s alarms were sounding. The RN’s conduct could have affected her ability to recognize subtle signs, symptoms, or changes in patients’ conditions, and could have affected her ability to make rational, accurate, and appropriate assessments, judgments, and decisions regarding patient care, thereby placing the patients in potential danger.
In response, the RN states the evening shift on January 9, 2019. had been busy, and she started her shift with two patients. According to the RN, after midnight, at about 0030. she was sitting at the hallway nursing station, charting her patient, and had briefly closed her eyes to rest them when the Patient Care Coordinator touched her shoulder, startling her. The RN states she was asked if she was okay and she immediately perked up, apologized, and explained she had recently started a new exercise routine and had been overwhelmed with her last semester in nursing school. The RN states she then continued her clinical care and nursing duties as usual and helped other staff with their patients as needed. The RN states at no time during this encounter did the PCC advise that her patient’s alarm was going off or that she had responded to it.
Despite her explanation, the Texas Board of Nursing placed her under disciplinary action but without any suspension whatsoever. Hiring the right nurse attorney for this case would be of great help, knowing that she denied the accusations.
If you’re having trouble with cases that you were accused of doing, and you deny those facts, then seek the help of Nurse Attorney Yong J. An. To get started with a private consultation, you may contact him at (832) 428-5679.