The assistance of a nurse attorney is valuable if you’re facing a case before the Texas Board of Nursing. Your defense can be strengthened further if you’re going to face the Board, even if your case has multiple instances of failure to follow a procedure. There are times when mistakes at work could be inevitable, which is why a nurse attorney can assure full assistance over such errors. Disciplinary actions could have been thought about by the Texas Board of Nursing if this particular LVN from Texas hired a nurse attorney over her case.
At the time of the initial incident, an LVN was employed as a Licensed Vocational Nurse at a hospital in Amarillo, Texas, and had been in that position for ten (10) months.
On or about October 17, 2017, through November 15, 2017, while employed as a Licensed Vocational Nurse, and assigned to provide skilled nursing to four (4) patients, the LVN failed to conduct multiple skilled nursing visits. Additionally, the LVN submitted nursing notes for visits that she did not conduct. The LVN’s conduct resulted in inaccurate medical records and was likely to injure the patients from a lack of ordered nursing care.
On or about November 10, 2017, the LVN performed a catheterization on the patient in response to complaints of urinary retention but failed to document the procedure in the patient’s medical record, including an assessment of the patient’s response to the treatment, and amount of urine output. The LVN’s conduct resulted in an incomplete and inaccurate medical record and was likely to Injure the patient in that subsequent caregivers would not have accurate and complete information on which to base their care decisions.
In response to the incident, the LVN states that she saw all patients that she was scheduled to see. The LVN adds that patients are seen by staff from many disciplines and they often forget who came by.
As a result of the LVN’s misconduct, she will be facing disciplinary action from the Texas Board of Nursing (BON) which is caused pursuant to Section 301.452(b)(10)&(13) of the Texas Occupations Code. The LVN should have hired a nurse attorney for instances such as this.
So if you’re summoned by the Board for a hearing against your case if you ever did a minor mistake at work, it’s best to consult a nurse attorney first. For any further information and you wish to schedule a private consultation. Nurse Attorney Yong J. An, can assist you by dialing his number at (832)-428-5679.