When facing accusations of risking a patient’s life, always remember that a nurse attorney can help. The role of a nurse is very essential in inpatient care. A patient’s recovery with long-term health outcomes is implicated by the quality of care that nurses give to their patients. Although they give such quality care, a lot of factors hinder nurses in giving such care. Sometimes nurses make mistakes in providing patient care and can be counted as a violation of the Nursing Practice Act or to any related rules and regulations of nursing.
At the time of the initial incident, she was employed as an RN at a medical facility in Denton, Texas, and had been in that position for one (1) year and one (1) month.
On or about January 24, 2020, while employed as an RN at a medical facility in Denton, Texas, RN documented the administration of hydromorphone and hydrocodone in the medical record of a patient approximately one (1) minute apart at 2035 hours for a pain level of 0/10 and 1/10; violating physician orders that the medications be used for moderate to severe pain. Additionally, RN did not actually administer the hydromorphone to the patient until approximately two (2) hours after the documented administration time of 2035. RN’s conduct created an inaccurate medical record and was likely to injure the patient in that subsequent care givers would rely on her documentation to further medicate the patient, which could result in an overdose.
Another incident happened on or about February 5, 2020, through February 6, 2020, while employed as an RN at a medical facility in Denton, Texas, RN failed to reassess and document the efficacy of pain medication administered to another patient, after the above mentioned patient was complaining of chest pain. RN’s conduct resulted in an inaccurate medical record and was likely to injure the patient from a delay in treatment of unresolved pain.
In response to the above incidents, RN states she did not fail to scan or administer any medication and the other nurses were trying to cause her trouble. Furthermore, RN states she always assesses and reassess patients after administration of pain medication.
The above actions constitute grounds for disciplinary action in accordance with Section 301.452(b)(10)&(13), Texas Occupations Code, and is a violation of 22 TEX. ADMIN. CODE §217.11(1)(A),(1)(B),(1)(C),(1)(D),(M)&(3)(A) and 22 TEX. ADMIN. CODE §217.12(1)(A),(1)(B),(1)(C)&(4).
Unfortunately, the Texas Board of Nursing found her guilty of her deeds. Her RN license was subjected to disciplinary action. She did not hire a skilled Texas BON attorney to fully defend her case which led to this decision by the Texas Board of Nursing.
Do you have questions about the Texas Board of Nursing disciplinary process? Contact The Law Office of Texas Nurse Attorney Yong J. An for a confidential consultation by calling or texting 24/7 at (832) 428-5679. Texas Nurse Attorney Yong J. An is an experienced nurse attorney who represented more than 300 nurse cases for RNs and LVNs for the past 16 years.