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Cased related to controlled substance misuse can be assisted by the right nurse attorney for the job. However, most of the nurse is not aware of this, resulting in their license receiving disciplinary action once they received a complaint from the Texas Board of Nursing.

The Texas Board of Nursing has jurisdiction over all nurse-related cases which may affect an RN license. Thus, the help of the right nurse attorney is crucially needed once you undergo such cases. However, this RN based in Fort Worth, Texas failed to do so.

The incident that the RN committed happened on or about March 25, 2003, when she misappropriated a Phenergan from the hospital’s facility and from the patient’s medical dispensing system. This could result in a fraudulent act that may deceive the hospital and the patient from the medication costs and amount.

Additionally, on the same date, the RN admitted that she was using Phenergan for personal use. This is a violation for strict laws such as the Dangerous Drugs Act. An RN using Phenergan while on duty may impair their performance. This may result in incorrect or inaccurate performance which may injure the patient and conduct poor communication and reasoning with everyone at the facility.

She also admitted that she took Phenergan from the patient’s prescription bottles for personal use, while replacing the bottle’s content with other medication. This could deceive the patient and cause them to suffer from adverse effects. This is the reason why the RN received a complaint from the board.

A forensic test was conducted to the RN on May 5, 2005. It shows that the RN has a low probability of having a substance abuse disorder. However, there’s an indication of deception from the records. Thus, the Texas Board of Nursing subjected the RN license into disciplinary action.

Cases for controlled substance misuse can be assisted by an experienced nurse attorney. Just be sure to look for the right professional such as Mr. Yong J. An. He is an experienced nurse attorney since 2006, and you can contact him 24/7 at (832)-428-5679.