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Even before the COVID-19 pandemic started its devastating threat roll across the country, the health care work environment was experiencing challenges – especially for nurses in Odessa.

 In Odessa, five nurses headed to Boston to assist their sister hospital in treating Covid-19 patients.


Here is the news story from

“[They’re] overwhelmed, they’re busy, they’re short-staffed and they can use a lot of help and I know we’ve been short-staffed at times and busy just because our community is growing so I know what that feels like,” said Marissa Sierra, one of the nurses going to Boston.

Families and friends gathered at the airport to send their loved ones off in a heroic fashion.

The nurses were nervous but confident they were making the right decision.

“A handful of us decided that this was the right time and the right thing to do and that’s how it happened it was really fast we literally had hours to decide,” said Sierra. “I immediately said yes and then after a while thought what am iI doing?”

To walk a day in the shoes of nurses in a COVID-19 hotspot will give Sierra and her team valuable experience for what may lie ahead for West Texas.

“I think that this is good for us, that way it’ll help prepare us for when we come back if it does pick up if it gets busier here then we’ll be better prepared for it,” said Sierra.

Read the full news here.

If you are an RN or an LVN who is currently facing any disciplinary issues before the Texas Board of Nursing (BON), please contact Odessa nurse attorney Yong J. An, call or text at 832 428 5679 or email him at Nurse Attorney An has represented over 100 nurses before the Texas Board of Nursing since 2006.